News & Events

ECO-COMPASS on Euronews!

A video news about ECO-COMPASS has been released by Euronews
ECO-COMPASS is a guest star of the weekly TV series on EU-funded research projects broadcasted on Euronews in cooperation with the European Commission DG Research & Innovation and DG CNECT.

The video entitled "Airplanes and material gains" shows some of the ECO-COMPASS partners explain their work within the project to popularize science and make it accessible and understandable for the general public.

The report on ECO-COMPAS will be featured in the programme Futuris, covering European science, research and innovation for more than 10 years. The video will be broadcasted to 158 countries in Euronews 12 broadcasting languages (English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Greek and Hungarian). It is also available on the Euronews Youtube channel.

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