Knowledge & Results


1. Chen C.Z., Li Y.* and Yu T., Interlaminar toughening in flax fiber-reinforced composites interleaved with carbon nanotube buckypaper, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 33(20), 1859-1868, 2014

2. Li Y.*, Chen C.Z., Xu J., Zhang C.Z., Yuan B.Y. and Huang B.Y., Improved mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes coated flax fiber reinforced composites, Journal of Materials Science, 50(3), 1117-1128, 2015.

3. Shen X., Jia J.J, Chen C.Z., Li Y.* and Kim J.K., Enhancement of mechanical properties of natural fiber composites via carbon nanotube addition, Journal of Material Science, 49(8), 3225-3233, 2014.

4. Yu T., Ren J.*, Li S.M., Yuan H., Li Y., Effect of fiber surface-treatments on the properties of poly(lactic acid)/ramie composites. Composites Part A, 41, 499-505, 2010.

5. Li Y.*, Hu C.J., Yu Y.H., Interfacial Studies of Sisal Fiber Reinforced High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Composites, Composites Part A., 39, 570-578, 2008.

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9. J. Bachmann, B. Michelis: „Verbesserung der Brandeigenschaften von NFK im Hinblick auf den Luftfahrt-Kabineneinsatz“ (German, engl.: „Enhancing the flame properties of NFRP with regard to the aviation interior application“). Hanser Industrietag: Naturfaserverstärkte und andere innovative Verbundstoffe, 28. - 29.06.2011, Köln, Germany

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19. Guijun Xian, Surface grafting of flax fibres with hydrous zirconia nanoparticles and the effects on the tensile and bonding properties. Journal of Composite Materials. 0(0) 1–9! The Author(s) 2015, DOI: 10.1177/0021998315580450,

20. L. Dammer, M. Carus, A. Raschka, L. Scholz. „Market Developments of and Opportunities for biobased products and chemicals“, Nova Institue, 2013

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57. S. Oller, E. Oñate (1996). A Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Constitutive Model for Multiphase Composite Materials.International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol.33, No.20-22, pp. 3179-3186. 1996. ISSN: 0020-7683.

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59. S. Oller, E. Car and J. Lubliner (2003). Definition of a general implicit orthotropic yield criterion.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.Vol. 192, No. 7-8, pp. 895-912. Feb./2003. ISSN: 0045-7825.

60. S. Oller, J. Miquel, F. Zalamea (2005). Composite Material Behavior Using a Homogenization Double Scale Method.Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. Vol. 131, No. 1, pp. 65-79. Jan./2005. ISSN: 0733-9399.

61. L.G.Nallim, S. Oller, R. Grossi (2005).Statical and Dynamical behaviour of Thin Fibre Reinforced Composite Laminates with DiferentShapes.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. Vol.194, Issue 17, pp. 1797-1822. Apr./2005. ISSN: 0045-7825.

62. L.G.Nallim, S. Oller (2008). An analytical–numerical approach to simulate the dynamic behaviour of arbitrarily laminated composite plates.Composite Structures. Vol. 85, Issue 4, pp. 311-325. Available online 23 October 2007. ISSN: 0263-8223.

63. L.G. Nallim, S. Oller (2010). Formulation of a Macro-Element to Analyze the Mechanical Behavior of General Composite Laminated Plates - Composite Laminates: Properties, Performance and Applications. Ed. Anders Doughett and PederAsnarez.Nova Science Publishers.Materials Science and Technologies. ISBN: 978-1-60741-620-3.

64. R.F. Rango, L.G. Nallim and S. oller (2013).Static and dynamic analysis of thick laminated plates using enriched macroelements. CompositeStructuresJournal., February 2013, in press.

65. D.S. Lee, C. Morillo, G. Bugeda, S. Oller, E. Onate (2012). Multilayered composite structure design optimisation using distributed/parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithms.CompositeStructures, Volume 94, Issue 3, February 2012, Pages 1087-1096. ISSN: 0263-8223

66. D.S. Lee, C. Morillo, S. Oller, G. Bugeda, E. Onate (2013). Robust design optimisation of advance hybrid (fiber–metal) composite structures.CompositeStructures, Volume 99, 2013, Pages 181-192. ISSN: 0263-8223

67. F. Rastellini, S. Oller, O. Salomón and E. Oñate (2008). Composite material non-linear modelling for long fibre-reinforced laminates.Continuum basis, computational aspects and validations. Computers and Structures Vol. 86, pp. 879-896. ISSN: 0045-7949

68. S. Oller (2014). Numerical simulation of mechanical behavior of composite materials. Springer; 2014.

69. E. Comellas, S. Ivvan Valdez, S. Oller, S. Botello (2015). Optimization method for the determination of material parameters in damaged composite structures. Composite Structures 122 (2015), pp. 417–424.